The Bar Has Been Raised


Mom, Dad LISTEN PLEASE!!! When you were growing up a high school diploma could get you a long way when entering the workforce but now it’s just something that gets you a minimum wage paying job and acceptance to a community college. Over the year’s things changed, employers expect you to have a bachelor’s degree and a variety of skill in order to receive a decent paying job. Some entry level jobs also require you to have some type of experience in that field such as internships or apprenticeships. This all can be very stressful and time consuming, this is why it’s important to make you’re doing something you love and are good at. Some parents put pressure on their children to do certain things that they might not be good at and they waste money going to college and finding out the hard way when they have to change their major. Advice to parents introduce your child to different things that could become a career. Let them chose what they like and from their they will be driven to further educate themselves in that field . Also DO NOT COMPARE your experience with theirs IT IS DIFFERENT NOW!

Steps to make the process easier:

  • Junior year of high school take the Pre-SAT an Pre-ACT. This gives you time to study and prepare for the real thing.
  • Apply to at least 3- 5 Colleges or Universities, never out all your eggs in one basket.
  • Find ways to get involved on campus, this gives the chance to network and build relationships.

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